President: Jiepei Zhu

Dr. Jiepei Zhu is an associate professor in the Center for Neurotrauma, MultiOmics & Biomarkers (CNMB), Department of Neurobiology, Morehouse School of Medicine. Dr. Zhu received his PhD in the department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). Dr. Zhu’s research is focusing on the various animal models of traumatic brain injury (TBI), which include fluid percussion injury (FPI), controlled cortical impact (CCI) as well as Closed head injury and blast injury models. Dr. Zhu is familiar with the anatomic structures of the central nervous system in rodent and the rodent neuro-behavioral assessment to test neuro-motor function and cognitive function after TBI with therapeutic intervention. Dr. Zhu also has expertise in immunohistochemistry biomarkers staining and analysis. Currently, as a co-investigator, Dr. Zhu has participated in the research projects funded by NIH, department of veteran’s affairs (VA) and DoD (Department of Defense).